Monday, January 24, 2022

Find cheaper rates for dental work in Oklahoma

    I just got off the phone with a nice student over at OU College of Dentistry. They are looking for patients. In a lot of cases you can use insurance OR get a good rate. Not all insurances are covered but some are when I spoke to someone at the College.


 They are definitely looking for people who need more serious dental work done at the time. You can usually get a screening around $90 if your insurance does not cover it. It does not hurt to call or visit their website to see if you could possibly qualify. 

   Of course I do not know everyone's rate and situation; nor the price they will be quoted. I just felt this is as additional resource to those not happy with their current dentist or in need of dental work. Often times going to dentistry schools can save you so much money! 

              I hope this helps some of you all. Learn more HERE.