Are you searching for reliable childcare or a baby-sitter in the Oklahoma City area? Here are some ideas I wanted to share with moms in the area. As a single mom; I know how hard finding reliable childcare can be.
Once you actually have a reliable childcare center or baby-sitter; still check out Moore's Playstreet or Spontaneity in Oklahoma City. Let them know Max with Oklahoma Mommies sent you! Both of these facilities are offer back-up options.
If you are searching for an actual daycare center; look at helpful sites such as this one. You can read reviews on child care centers and see which are DHS qualified and licensed daycare centers.
The YMCA usually offers awesome after-care programs and camps for Summer and Spring breaks. This is great for elementary aged children who are not ready or old enough to be left home alone yet.
An app to find baby-sitters that I love is Bambino. You can find, book, pay and read reviews on baby-sitters...all in one place. Same with Care and SitterCity.
Some fitness centers in the area offer baby-sitting; learn more here.
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